Hi! I'm Dr. Brandi Tanner.  I am a former school psychologist and special education teacher turned special education parent advocate.  In my previous work as a school system employee, I got to see what happens on the other side of the table and behind closed doors. Now, I'm taking that insider knowledge and putting it to use for parents like you.



Parent Input Workshop


Write your parent input statement with our guidance during the workshop and mark this item off your to do list ☑️


Here's what you'll learn:

✨ What to include in your statement

✨ The order to present your information

✨ What type of tone to use in your writing

✨ Getting your statement entered verbatim into the record

Early Bird Price Just $10

The Ripple Effect of an Effective 

Parent Input Statement

Your child gets a better IEP because his or her needs were appropriately identified and documented

Your concerns and desired outcomes are on the record. Written concerns are more likely to be addressed

Doing your research in writing your parent input statement prepares you to take a key advocacy role in the meeting

Here's what you get:

  • Video instruction on writing your statement

  • Sample parent input statements

  • Parent input statement template

Early Bird Price Just $10

©Your IEP Source, LLC 2021

Early bird pricing ends soon!


Sign up before the price increases!