Introducing the... 

With the How to Get an IEP Coaching Program, you'll have a school psychologist holding your hand through the process of getting your child an IEP.


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Your child is struggling and it feels like the school isn't doing anything about it.


All your extra time and money is going to tutoring or therapies for your child.


You suspect something is going on with your child's learning and an evaluation would help you to figure out what it is.


Your child has a diagnosis, but is not receiving any services or accommodations.


You feel like your child needs an Individualized Education Program (IEP), but you're not sure how to get one.  

Good News!


I help families get special services for their children every single day.

And if you're like any of them, you've probably had some of the same myths and misconceptions about the process.  


Myths Like...

Myth #1: A child can't be evaluated until data has been collected for 12 weeks


Reality: Data collection and formal evaluation can occur simultaneously - you don't have to wait the intervention to end to do an evaluation

Myth #2: My child has a diagnosis so they automatically qualify for an IEP


Reality: School special education eligibility and a diagnosis from a private provider aren't the same thing.  You still need to do the eligibility process even if your child has a diagnosis.

Myth #3: Parents have to just wait and see what the school decides about getting an IEP


Reality: You are an integral part of your child's school team.  You can provide information to help the school understand the help your child needs. 


  • There was a way to get an IEP in just a few weeks or months...
  • You knew how to get the special education eligibility process moving quickly...
  • You had evenings and weekends free to relax because your child was receiving appropriate services at school...
  • You could re-allocate your tutoring funds to a family vacation...
  • Your child was receiving the appropriate school services... and flourishing!

All of that is possible inside the How to Get an IEP Coaching Program

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Hi, I'm Dr. Brandi Tanner!

I am a former school psychologist turned special education parent advocate.  In my previous work as a school psychologist, I conducted evaluations and worked on ALL. ELIGIBILITY. ALL. DAY. so I know the process inside and out.  I've taken my insider knowledge of working for the school district and put it to work for parents like you.

Why should you trust me to help you start your special education eligibility journey?

  • I am a former school psychologist and hold a Ph.D. in School Psychology and a Master's Degree in Special Education
  • I have been involved in hundreds of special education eligibility and 504 accommodation plan meetings
  • I have helped dozens of families to get appropriate services in place for their children 

What types of outcomes have my clients had?

  • Children who had been in struggling the Response to Intervention (RtI) process for years have gotten an IEP by the next report card. 
    • ➡️Yes, we have shortened the time to get an IEP from YEARS to a few WEEKS.
  • A family who had been waiting for weeks to schedule a meeting with the school got a call in one hour after sending a letter I helped them draft. 
    • ➡️Yes, a difference in response time from the school from weeks to ONE HOUR!
  • The family of a child with a medical diagnosis had been turned down for an IEP.  I worked with them to have an Independent Educational Evaluation (IEE), and get their child the services they deserved.
    • ➡️Yes, after being turned down for an IEP they were able to get one anyway.  

My information, systems, and strategies have been crucial to many children getting an IEP:



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Here's What You Get When You Enroll...

Parent Education Program

Parent Education Program


The How to Get an IEP: Secrets from a School Psychologist parent education program includes six modules of video instruction to guide you through the process.

Coaching Calls

Group Coaching Calls with School Psychologist


Join our group calls each week to get your questions answered as you move through the process. You've got a school psychologist in your back pocket! *Coaching Program Option Only*


Letter Templates

Sample Letters and Templates


Don't sit down to your keyboard with a blank page. Fill in our templates and review our examples to draft your letters and statements.

Infographics and Guides

Infographics and Guides


Quick references to keep you on track as you progress through the process.


The complete program and all support components represent a $3,500 value.


You can get started for just $149.


-Choose the Course Only Option or the Coaching Program Option-







    • How to Get an IEP Parent Education Program

    • Direct Parent Request for Evaluation Training

    • Understanding Evaluation Results Training

    • Eligibility Meeting Preparation Training

    • Templates and Sample Letters

    • Guides and Infographics






      • How to Get an IEP Parent Education Program

      • Direct Parent Request for Evaluation Training

      • Understanding Evaluation Results Training

      • Eligibility Meeting Preparation Training

      • Templates and Sample Letters

      • Guides and Infographics

      • 🌟 Weekly Group Coaching Calls 🌟

      Here's what you'll be learning in the parent education program:

      1. Understanding the Eligibility Process From Start to Finish


      In Module 1, we give you an overview of the special education eligibility process from start to finish. You've got to know the rules of engagement and this module gets you up to speed on all of that. This module includes an overview infographic for you to review as you progress through the process.

      2. Making a Direct Request for Evaluation to Get Started Fast


      In this module, you'll learn the NUMBER ONE action step to get your special education eligibility process started and finished. That is, how to make a direct parental request for a special education evaluation. This module includes sample letters for you to review and a template for you to plug in your information and get the process officially started.

      3. Participating in the Special Education Evaluation to Build Your Case


      Special education eligibility is based on more that just psychoeducational evaluation results. In this module, we review what other types of data will be reviewed and considered at eligibility. We also teach you how to gather your own data to strengthen the case for your child to get an IEP.


      4. Understanding Evaluation Results So That You Are Informed


      Evaluation reports contain a lot of information and can be overwhelming. In this module, we will walk you through the basic information included in a psychoeducational evaluation report. We will teach you about what scores you should be looking at and what they mean. You will also learn how those scores are used in determining eligibility.

      5. Making Your Case in the Eligibility Meeting for the Support Your Child Needs

      Module 5 will help carefully craft all the information you gathered to make a case for special education eligibility for your child. We discuss assembling your own personal team, preparing a written parental statement, and advocating effectively in the meeting. This module includes sample parental input statements and a template to guide you in crafting your own.


      6. Advocating After the Eligibility Meeting For Continuing Success and Progress


      In the final module, we discuss the possible outcomes of the eligibility meeting and what to do in each scenario. It includes information on IEP development, 504 accommodation plans, and requesting an Independent Educational Evaluation (IEE) if you disagree with the results of the school's evaluation. You're prepped for your next actions with this step.

      Frequently Asked Questions

      Here are a few answers to our most common questions

      Do I need special equipment to access the materials in the program?

      How does this program work?

      How does the group coaching part of the program work?

      Does the How to Get an IEP Coaching Program have a trial period?

      How long do I have access to the program?

      You will have lifetime access to the parent education program instructional materials.  Participants of the coaching program will have group coaching support support for 90 days from enrollment.  The idea is that you will immediately take action and start and finish the program within that time frame.

      Couldn’t I find the information that I need online?

      Is this program right for me if my child has had a private evaluation?

      Is this program right for me if my child already has an IEP?

      Can I work with you as an advocate after enrolling in the How to Get an IEP Coaching Program?


      The How to Get an IEP Coaching Program is for any parent who believes that their child needs special services in school.  It doesn't matter if your child has been evaluated yet or not, we can coach you through special education eligibility from start to finish.

      • Children Who Need an Evaluation

        The How to Get an IEP Coaching program can walk you through getting your child evaluated. The program contains information about the differences between school evaluations and private evaluations. You can use our coaching services to figure out which is best for you. Once your evaluation is complete, we will help you understand the results and what they mean regarding the best way to work with your child.

      • Children Who Have a Diagnosis

        If your child already has a diagnosis, we help you to understand the differences between a diagnosis from a private provider and special education eligibility at school. We will walk you through the process of requesting special education services.

      • Children Receiving Interventions Through Response to Intervention (RtI)

        Some students receive interventions in Response to Intervention (RtI) or other similar intervention programs for long periods of time - EVEN YEARS - but never seem to catch up. The How to Get an IEP Coaching Program can help you get the ball rolling toward a special education evaluation more quickly.

      Early intervention is critical. 


      90% of children with reading difficulties will achieve grade level in reading if they receive help in 1st grade.


      75% of children whose help is delayed to age 9 or later continue to struggle throughout their school career.


      BVelluntino, Scanton, Small, Pratt, Chen, & Denckla, 1996


      This is a small investment and the payoff is your child’s future.

      You have two choices here...



      Continue to let your child fail as you figure it out on your own






      Save time and fast track your child to success using the support of our program

      Join today!  Doors close soon!

      If you're ready to improve your child's future, join the How to Get an IEP Coaching Program now:

      The complete program and all support components represent a $3,500 value.

      The investment for the program starts at just $149.

       Weekly Group Coaching Calls - Join our group calls each week to get your questions answered as you move through the process. You've got a school psychologist in your back pocket! ($1200 Value) *Coaching Program Option Only*


      How to Get an IEP Parent Education Program -   Videos and written instructional materials to walk you through everything you need to know to get your child an IEP. ($1200 Value)


      Direct Request for Evaluation Training - Specific step-by-step instructions on making a direct request for an evaluation to get your evaluation timeline started at the fastest pace possible. ($300 Value)


      Understanding Evaluation Results Training -  Learn what the information in your child's evaluation report mean and how to interpret the results. ($300 Value)


      Sample Letters and Templates - Don't sit down to your keyboard with a blank page. Fill in our templates and review our examples to draft your letters and statements. ($100 Value)


      Infographics and Guides - Quick references to keep you on track as you progress through the process. ($100 Value)

      The complete program and all support components represent a $3,500 value.


      You can get started for just $149.


      -Choose the Course Only Option or the Coaching Program Option-







        • How to Get an IEP Parent Education Program

        • Direct Parent Request for Evaluation Training

        • Understanding Evaluation Results Training

        • Eligibility Meeting Preparation Training

        • Templates and Sample Letters

        • Guides and Infographics

          *COURSE + COACHING*


          ONE PAYMENT OF:



          • How to Get an IEP Parent Education Program

          • Direct Parent Request for Evaluation Training

          • Understanding Evaluation Results Training

          • Eligibility Meeting Preparation Training

          • Templates and Sample Letters

          • Guides and Infographics

          • 🌟 Weekly Group Coaching Calls 🌟